Superior Share Affiliate Blog

A Great Online Marketing Strategy: Debunking SEO Myths

When you’re thinking about your Superior Share online casino, affiliate and marketing strategies, you want to rank in the top results of search engines. In simple terms, there’s really no way around it! But worry not, a great strategy is something you can start applying today and if stick with it, you’ll experience positive results.

If you want your business to be successful, you want to keep your SEO sharp and running at all times. However, there are many things you could be doing wrong and not even know you’re doing it. Let’s take a look at some popular beliefs or SEO myths that need to be debunked ASAP!

First of all, you need to forget about the death of the keyword. Even though keywords may have lost their number one spot in the SEO world, you’re still going to need to do some keyword research. However, you now want to focus on LSI or semantic searching – which we’ll be discussing further in next Superior Share blog installments.

Another myth we want to bury is that longer copy is the way to go and that it tends to convert better. But the truth is that length isn’t important at all. In reality, Google doesn’t count words on a page to determine ranking as it even searches 140-character Twitter posts. Keep in mind that even the shortest article is able to generate tons of traffic, shares and comments, all of which will affect placement. What you want to remember is that SEO copywriting content needs to be unique and interesting, regardless of the length.

Learn more about organic and paid results in our next Superior Share blog post.